It is very difficult to conserve and protect threatened wildlife without support from the top levels of government. Mexico has recently elected a new president who understands climate change and we all hope will be much more supportive of vaquita conservation than the Obrador administration was.

Here in the US, we have a critically important presidential election coming up on November 5th. We have seen what a disaster Donald Trump and his anti-science administration was for environmental conservation in the past. If he is elected again in 2024, he promises to virtually destroy the ability of the US government to protect the environment by weakening or even eliminating such departments as the EPA and NOAA. Voting for a convicted felon, twice-impeached, who has professed his disdain for science and environmental issues would be a crime against nature.

Therefore, VIVA VAQUITA! proudly endorses Democrats Kamala Harris and Tim Walz in 2024, and we expect that anyone who cares about nature and truth and justice will vote for them over Republicans Trump and Vance. By voting for Harris/Walz, you will be doing your part in our electoral process to help ensure that there is a future for the vaquita and other wildlife species that are in need of our assistance to survive. Please tell all your friends and relatives as well, and even consider helping to campaign for the Democrats. The vaquitas can’t thank you themselves, but VIVA VAQUITA! would certainly be very appreciative of your support for an administration that will respect science and protect nature… including the vaquita. VOTE FOR KAMALA HARRIS FOR PRESIDENT!!