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the Vaquita Day 2024 (September 7th)

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The Vaquita Porpoise:

A Conservation Emergency


The vaquita porpoise (Phocoena sinus) is the rarest and most-endangered species of marine mammal in the world. In early 2023, the minimum population size of the vaquita was thought to be about 10-13, based on the results of a vessel survey and acoustic study. Total population size may be a bit higher. It is the smallest of only seven species of true porpoises, and is the only one that lives in warm waters of the eastern Pacific Ocean. It is found in a tiny area in the extreme northern Gulf of California, near Baja California, Mexico.

Learn more about vaquita

An immediate and total removal of gillnets from the entirety of the vaquita’s range can save it from extinction.

See a collection of photos of vaquita

News & Updates

View Wildlife Speaks: The Vaquita

View Souls of the Vermilion Sea – Full Vaquita Documentary

Also see: Sea of Shadows | National Geographic

Using YouTube Subtitles/CC: Click on “CC” to turn on (red), “Settings” and click on “English (auto-generated)” then select “Auto-translate” and use your preferred language.

This excellent new book describes the politics and science of the vaquita issue. Brooke Bessesen has done exhaustive research into the issue and weaves a compelling story of the efforts to save the species from extinction. This is a must-read for any vaquita fan. More details about the book and how to order can be found at: www.islandpress.org/books/vaquita

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Help us save the world's most endangered marine mammal species!